Umbrella/Excess Liability
Our Community Association high-limit Umbrella Insurance Product is dedicated to Community Associations and their specialized coverage needs. The product is available for nonprofit habitational community associations including homeowners' associations (HOAs), townhomes, residential/commercial condominiums (condos), and residential/commercial planned unit developments (PUDs).
The Umbrella policy provides additional liability coverage over the GL, EL, and D&O insurance when the association suffers a catastrophic loss that exceeds those policy limits. CAIS offers five limits - $5 Million, $10 Million, $15 Million, $25 Million, and $50 Million*.
*$50 Million limit includes a primary layer of A+ rated $25 Million Excess Liability (including EPLI), and a secondary layer of A++ rated $25 Million Excess Liability (excluding EPLI).
Umbrella Coverage Highlights:
Written on Admitted A+ Paper in 49 states & DC (excludes GA)
Competitive Rates
Direct Bill
Disclosure of Terrorism
Disaster Response Coverage Endorsement $50,000
Claims Made Endorsement (where an underlying policy is Claims Made)
Following Form Named Insured
Following Form General Liability
Following Form Directors & Officers Liability
Following Form Employers Liability (Coverage E)
Following Form Employee Benefits Liability (Coverage E)
Following Form EPLI to the extent that insurance is provided under underlying D&O
Following Form Aggregate Per Location (multi-location risks must have “per location aggregate” on primary general liability policy)​
Eligibility Requirements:
Underlying Carrier: A.M. Best Rating A-VII or better
General Liability: $1,000,000 Per Occurrence, $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury, $1,000,000 Products/Completed Operations/Aggregate, & $2,000,000 General Aggregate Per Location (no "CAP")
Automobile: $1,000,000 Auto Liability BI/PD Combined Single Limit for all autos
Employers Liability: All States, $500,000 Each Accident, $500,000 Each Disease/Employee, & $500,000 Each Disease/Policy Limit
Directors and Officers: $1,000,000 Per Occurrence and Aggregate
Liquor Liability - Employee: $1,000,000 Per Occurrence and Aggregate
Benefit Liability: $1,000,000 Per Occurrence and Aggregate
Coverage Exclusions:
Lead Liability Exclusion (Coverage E & U)
Mold, Rot or Other Fungi Exclusion
Earth Movement or Subsidence Exclusion
Care, Custody or Control Exclusion
Pollution Exclusion with Named Peril Exception
Errors and Omission Exclusion (Real Estate Agent)
Construction Defect Exclusion
Foreign Liability Exclusion
Contaminated Drywall Exclusion
War Liability Exclusion
Communicable Disease Exclusion
Umbrella Liability Coverage U Exclusion
“No Fault”, “Uninsured Motorist” or “Underinsured Motorists” Laws exclusion
Umbrella New Business Submission Requirements
Due to current market conditions, the following are required to receive a quote for an umbrella New Business submission:
Enter application and submit via MGAlive.com
Upload 3 years currently valued loss runs for all underlying coverages. The loss run valuation date must be within 90-days of proposed policy effective date
Submit with 10-day lead time
If your agency is already appointed, quote now on MGAlive.com
Not appointed with CAIS yet? Click on the Join page.
If you’d like to learn more about insurance protection for your Community Association customers, please contact:
Gary Deck
VP of Sales and Distribution
M: 916.212.8310 (best choice)
T: 888.833.4158 Ext. 109